Friday, June 12, 2009

Health Care Issues

Its funny how the Health Care Provider industry suddenly has the ability to reduce their rates and their "take" in the face of a "public option". How is it possible that now hospitals and other providers are willing to negotiate what once was a type of price fixing? If this were any other business, they would be investigated for racketeering. I believe the necessities of life: housing, health care, food, clothing should be carefully guarded from the prospect of greed.

I guess I shouldn't complain since I am a beneficiary of generous donors who have paid off my medical bills which started with a little back pain last year. (see January 6, 2009). I bring this up to ask who knows what it really costs to rent a room for a night at a hospital? What does it really cost to dispense a Tylenol tablet? How much is it to lease an operating room? Who decides how much a small piece of metal to fit in an artery costs? Of course there is also the bigger question once you determine what it truly costs to do these things: What is the cost-benefit analysis?

The escalating cost of health care and the diminishing return leads me to reiterate: Have a Living Will, Health care Directive and/or Proper Power of Attorney. Let your family and anyone else who may be asked by medical professionals, what your wishes are in the event of catastrophic illness or injury.

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