Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm still not resolved on the issue at hand (health care reform).

Simmie Berroya McMillan
Today at 11:05am
[Personal note deleted]

I'm still not resolved on the issue at hand (health care reform). I can understand the fears of the people. I don't think we've had such a progressive president in such a long time that the people are feeling the rocking of the boat, and it's frightening them. On the other hand, change has been needed for a long time. So, we need these progressive moves if we are to further the cause of the brotherhood of man. The Ultra conservatives want to continue dualistic practices to further their own agenda of the haves vs. the have-nots, the Jews vs. the Arabs, the Christians vs. the non christian, and so on and so forth.

Maybe the answer lies not so much in government intervention, as it does in the health care providers (doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies) willingness to forgo the bottom line enough to show compassion and mercy towards those who have no means to pay for their services. Of course, this would piss off the insurance companies, who I suspect are the real culprits in this matter. Should then, however, the government further regulate the insurance companies? Probably not. I'm sure there are already some regulations in place to protect the consumer. With the consumer already up in arms about the situation, they wouldn't like that either.

Has the government (with Obama at the helm) awakened a sleeping giant here? By the time it's all over, maybe Obama will be sorry he ever brought it to the table. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top.

From Sim's World:

1 comment:

  1. I must disagree with you about regulation. We have seen what happened with loosened regs in the financial markets. The Health Insurers are racking up huge profits by denying claims, overcharging premiums, not allowing pre-existing conditions from job to job. It is time to look at regulation, minimally. Closing loopholes, having the consumer be able to choose between apples to apples and creating a public option for those who can't afford private or even employer paid insurance plans. See the post below yours for more on that.
