Friday, September 11, 2009

POLITICO: Dems heckled Bush, but Wilson was different - Glenn Thrush

This question keeps popping up in one form or another. If Dems heckle it is OK, but if Republicans do it why is it wrong?

The way I was raised, there seemed a proper time and place for debate and perhaps even for heckling in the form of boos or hissing. Personal attacks are another matter and in my book are in bad taste especially if done publicly and especially if done by an elected representative and especially during a formal occasion.

But, it seems etiquette is changing in this regard. I can roll with that as well. It makes me sad though, to think that another era has passed.

Click here to see what Glenn Thrush thinks about it:
POLITICO: Dems heckled Bush, but Wilson was different - Glenn Thrush - Dems heckled Bush, but Wilson was different

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1 comment:

  1. I have done my share of heckling, but I would not personally attack a person's integrity in front of a crowd. I would, however express my opposition to an idea being presented.
