Virginia + Maryland's Governors Are Catholic. And They're Furious With the Church's Threats
Even some high profile Catholics can't believe their own Church is going after the gays in the nation's capital. Like Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, who are livid the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington D.C. is threatening to cancel its social services programs if gay marriage passes.
"I'm Catholic, and I think it's wrong," Kaine told radio listeners yesterday. "I don't think you take your ball and go home."
But that's exactly what the Church is threatening to do, complaining that gay marriage will so infringe on their right to discriminate that they'll have no choice but to end their homeless and adoption programs.
Kaine, for one, can't believe the Church is engaged in such bullying: "I think the strategy of threatening to pull back, it doesn't seem like the church I've come up in." Same goes for Maryland's O'Malley either: "I don't understand how they can possibly do this. I have a hard time believing that the nuns and priests who taught me about the Corporal Works of Mercy would agree that this is an appropriate response for the church."
Yeah, where is that love and compassion thing we hear so much about?
The Catholic Church is regressing further from its mission in order to bully politicians into compliance. Now some bishops are threatening to use the homeless and poor as bargaining chips in their political agenda.
My own archbishop of my home archdiocese (Saint Louis, MO) spent $10,000 to fight Marriage Equality in the State of Maine. This is an inappropriate use of donations, IMO. I will be working with others who agree with me on this. Details to come.
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